Según un experto muy reconocido del supuesto virus VIH, Jay A. Levy, los antirretrovirales podrían tener efectos secundarios importantes a largo plazo.
En concreto, en este artículo (artículo entero aquí), dice lo siguiente:
To this author, treatment of all infected people irrespective of CD4+ T cell count and viral load is not advisable. That approach may have severe adverse effects that are, as yet, not recognized. Prescribing ART for a lifetime is like giving chemotherapy forever. Future studies may well indicate that toxicities will eventually result in many treated individuals. Although ART is safer now than in the past, there are several reports linking ART with adverse effects, including cardiovascular disease, renal impairment, liver disorders, decreases in bone density, and possibly pancreatitis [89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95]. Importantly, several antiretroviral drugs, including tenofovir, can affect telomerase activity and could contribute to accelerated aging [96].
Más información acerca de los efectos secundarios de los antirretrovirales puede leerse aquí y aquí.